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Crain's Landing Page 29
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Page 29
“Grant, you are going to wake up tomorrow and feel like a huge slug for even asking me like this.”
He violently shook his head as he challenged me. “You’re wrong, Natalie. I want to get my family out of bed, head to Vegas right this second, and get married so that Peyton has a complete family.”
I couldn’t even be hurt by his words. He felt he needed to marry me for Peyton and not because he loved me. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his head, kissing the top of his hair.
“Grant Crain, I love you enough to decline your offer of marriage. Besides, she already has an amazing family. And a completely crazy daddy.”
I watched the fire in his eyes dying down by the second. Grant was an intelligent man, the majority of the time. It just proved all of us had our moments.
“We aren’t your friends. I have no plans of waiting ten years for you to ask me to marry you. Hell, I won’t wait more than a couple.” I stroked his cheek. “I want to see our children, with their dark hair and ice blue eyes just like their daddy.” I loved his coloring, its unique combination. “But first, I want to enjoy each and every day I have with you and Peyton until then.”
Realization flashed across his face and for the first time ever, Grant blushed with embarrassment. “Baby...I can’t say I’m sorry enough. I would call it a moment of insanity, but I was...”
“Overwhelmed? In shock? You have to quit beating yourself up about this.”
He took me in his arms and kissed the top of my head. “If you only knew how I have the moment I ask you to be my wife planned out in my mind, you would want to kick my ass for the monstrosity I managed to blunder.”
“And I already told you that you need to keep with your plans. After all, I told you no the first time.”
The first signs of spring had begun to make their presence known, including a cold Peyton managed to catch. Carolyn took charge during the day, nursing her while Grant and I worked. It soon became evident the cold was more than the sniffles as more and more people came down with it, myself included. Martin was nice enough to prescribe me medication that helped with my symptoms and I was able to only miss two days of work.
Carolyn was working double time to get her house ready for Easter. She wanted all her grandchildren there and again enlisted the help of local venders. Grant and Morgan were excited because even though they had long outgrown the Easter egg hunts they had as a child. Carolyn made the day fun for them as well. She filled their eggs with airplane bottles of alcohol.
Martin, Grant, and Morgan had to hide the Easter eggs several times before the children would settle down and have lunch. This effectively caused all of them to fall asleep as soon as dessert was finished. All the women watched as the men hunted for their eggs, not stopping to place them in a basket. They would tear them open and drink it straight down. By the time all their eggs were found, all three were three sheets to the wind. I found that a drunken Dr. Grant was a very horny Dr. Grant.
I had just checked on the children when he wrapped his arms around me, tossing me playfully against the wall in the hall. “You are so beautiful.” He slurred into my ear as he kissed my neck and mouth.
“You are so drunk. Let’s get you some water, Advil, and a nap.” I giggled as I tried to pry his hands from under my skirt.
“Natalie, I’m the medical professional here. I know exactly what I need.” The sound of my panties being ripped from my body was followed by my squeal as he picked me up and fumbled his way to the guest bathroom. For someone who was completely wasted, he was surprisingly agile. He had my skirt up and his pants down before I could hear the door being locked. There was no warning as his cock was pushed inside me. I gasped at the sensation, but tilted my head back when his hands touched my covered breasts. However, in true drunk and fumble fashion, it was over as fast as it began. He released into me and then slumped his body onto mine. He had just enough energy to pull up his slacks, walk down the hall, and crash onto the guest room bed.
I cleaned myself, then took a still sleeping Peyton home. Carolyn gave me her word she would take care of the drunks upstairs.
It was early Monday morning when Grant finally contacted me. He apologized repeatedly for being an ass. “I remember everything, Natalie. I don't like that I was so rough with you in the bathroom.”
I gave him a hug and told him it was okay.
“No, Natalie, that isn't how I operate. I love touching you and bringing you as much pleasure as you give me. Call me a pussy, but I enjoy foreplay. I enjoy watching the buildup in your eyes.”
His words were enough to make me cry. He didn't hurt me when he took me in the bathroom that day, but it also wasn’t like any of the other times we had been together.
“I’m also not going to stand here and tell you that I will make it up to you. I’m just going to show you, very soon.”
I made it to work in time for Ashley to inform me a Dr. Tristan had called several times from Dartmouth regarding Tiffany Garrison. I rolled my eyes as I sat down in my chair and sighed heavily. The last thing I wanted to do this morning was to deal with Tiffany. Before I could even pick up my phone to call him back, Austin came in and informed me he was once again on the line.
“Thank you, Austin.” I took a deep cleansing breath and reached for my phone, putting a fake smile in my voice. “Good morning, this is Ms. Reid.”
In college, one of my professors told us it is impossible to be nasty to someone if you were smiling. I didn't know if he was really correct, but I always made it a point to have a smile on my face when I spoke on the phone at work.
“Ms. Reid? My name is Dr. William Tristan, and I’m the Dean of students here at Dartmouth School of Medicine. I won’t take up much of your time, as I know how busy you are.”
I wondered if he had a fake smile on his face this morning as well.
“No problem at all, Dr. Tristan, how can I help you?”
“Thank you, Ms. Reid. I’m in charge of doing an investigation on a student of ours, Tiffany Garrison? According to our records, she played an active role in the treatment of your daughter, Peyton Reid?”
It seemed like a lifetime ago Peyton had been in the hospital. Grant had been still trying to prove to me he was a nice guy. He’d gone out of his way to take care of her.
“Well, Dr. Tristan, how can I help you?”
“Yes, well, recently Tiffany Garrison has returned to our school after allegations of unprofessional behavior by one of her superiors. Can you tell me if she was ever unprofessional to you, or your daughter, during treatment?” I leaned back into my chair and closed my eyes remembering Tiffany and Grant kissing and the pain that I felt in my chest.
“Yes, Dr. Tristan, she was unprofessional to me on at least one occasion. However, Dr. Crain was in complete control of care in regards to Peyton.”
I told him of the time when we had to see her for a follow up to Peyton's discharge. How she made it a point to inform me he wasn't interested in having a relationship with me, only a quick fling. I also informed him of the kiss I’d witnessed at Grant’s house and the story behind it.
Dr. Tristan thanked me for the information and assured me I would receive a copy of the Board’s final decision regarding Tiffany Garrison.
Austin knocked on my door just before lunch and wanted to talk with me. I encouraged him to have a seat and tell me what was on his mind.
“Well, Natalie, you know how successful the bazaar at Christmas was?”
“Yes, Austin, it was a huge hit.”
“Well, how about we do something like that for Sweeties day? We can have the back rooms open for the kids’ drop off and then have venders available with desserts or even flowers for those unfortunate guys who completely forget the day. I know Emily would be thrilled to have a second location to help out. We could also have a special on our DVD rentals or even have a special cup of coffee. I mean, the possibilities are endless.”
I smiled at Austin, then told him to get me some solid numbers and I would take it
to the Board.
After Austin left and the day was finally done, I dove into several files I hadn’t been able to open in a while. I called Peggy and asked if she could get Peyton for me. She was so excited she didn’t even let me finish telling her I would be by later when she hung up the phone. The sun had set over an hour ago and I could feel the tension setting into my neck and shoulders.
My cell buzzed with a text message from Grant and I smiled as I rose from my chair and followed his instructions.
Come to the back room.
Once I opened the door to my office, I could hear the faint sounds of piano music. I opened the door to one of the back offices and found a half-naked Grant, lying on a huge bed of fluffy pillows, pink rose petals, and white blankets. The soft glow of candles highlighted his hair and made his skin glow. He held his hand out to me as I closed the door behind me.
“I am nothing if not a man of my word, Natalie.” He stood and walked slowly toward me, the blanket that had covered his lap fell to the floor, revealing a very turned on Grant.
“What’s all this?”
“This is a man who is madly in love with a woman. This is that man showing that woman how grateful he is.”
I looked into his eyes; the candlelight reflected the white flakes that were scattered around the blue. He began to softly kiss my cheeks, trailing his hot, wet tongue down my neck and into the area not covered by my blouse.
I closed my eyes as he began to remove my blouse, taking his time, brushing his fingertips against my skin as he went.
“So, you planned this all by yourself?” I squeaked out.
He didn’t even bother to look at me as he responded. He swayed us over to the bed of pillows he had created, picking me up bridal style as he placed me on my back. I was so turned on and my body was on fire. I didn’t even squeal as I felt the cool sheets touching my skin.
There in an empty office, in the library I worked so hard to turn around, Grant took his time and showed me exactly how much he truly loved me.
Could my life be this perfect and wonderful every day? I wasn’t sure, but I desperately wanted to find out.
I WAS THANKFUL FOR SO many things in my life. Two of them were currently sleeping soundly in my bed. I had been called away early this morning to see a distraught mother who would only let her son be looked at by me. Turned out he had managed to shove several crayons into his ear. It had taken longer than I had hoped, since we needed to sedate him while we pulled them back out. Natalie had assured me she would love some time alone with Peyton and insisted I take care of my patient.
As I continued to watch their sleeping faces, I felt a warm sensation swell up in my chest. This was my family, and if things went as I planned this would be permanent.
I had contacted Ashley to help me; I wanted to do something amazing for Natalie. I was still upset about how I threw myself on her in my parents’ house. I had asked her if she could gather Natalie’s staff together to help me out. With the way they had planned things in the past for Natalie, I knew they could help me pull off what I had in mind.
During that meeting, Austin and Kayla were full of ideas. I wanted something over the top; giving my Natalie the assurance she was the one for me. And so in one of the meeting rooms of the library, a plan was created. Ashley surprised me when she told me she was friends with a popular recording artist and would contact him to see if he was available to help us out. Two days later, she sent me a text confirming his appearance. She had told him the entire plan and he admitted to being a sucker for a happy ending.
Once Austin had convinced Natalie to have a Sweetheart Event, I had Morgan fake some bids for the food and entertainment. Dad explained to the Board our plans and it was all systems go. My mother had recruited Lily and Autumn to assist her in getting the food and decorations ready, leaving me to perfect my part.
“Daddy?” The sleepy voice of Peyton called out to me.
I looked to see her beautiful eyes looking back at me, her fingers twirling a strand of her mother’s hair.
“Hi, sweetheart, did you have a good nap?”
She reached for me and I carefully pulled her up and into my arms. She wrapped her tiny arms around my neck and gently kissed my cheek.
“We made you cookies, Daddy.”
“You did?”
She quickly and excitedly nodded her head, her smile decorating her face and filling my heart with joy.
“Well, how about we go have some of those cookies?”
As she jumped off my lap and onto the floor, another sleepy voice spoke.
“Not until Daddy gives Mommy a hello kiss.”
I turned back to Natalie. She was so beautiful with her sleepy eyes and puffy skin. Even without a smudge of makeup, she was the most beautiful woman in the world to me. My hand moved on its own, as I cupped her cheek and placed a tender kiss to her lips.
“Are you excited about tonight?”
She smiled as her eyes glimmered. She was so proud of her staff. Looking through Natalie’s eyes, it would appear her staff had worked night and day to pull this off.
“I still can’t believe Ashley is related to Gary LeVox.”
I playfully huffed as I helped her sit up in bed. “Oh, I don’t think I like the way you say his name there, Natalie.”
She rolled her eyes as Peyton stealthily wrapped her arms around her neck.
“Can we have cookies now? I’m starving, woman!” I couldn’t even correct her as Peyton was too cute the way she said that.
Natalie, however, wasn’t taken by her sweet looks and flipped her over her shoulder, beginning to tickle her.
“Since when do you get to call me woman, little girl?”
“I-I-I-n-not little,” she said through giggles.
“Oh my, I forgot. You started driving and taking out the trash. But you still need to find a job so you can pay your daddy rent.”
I picked up Peyton by her feet and dangled her so Natalie could grab her upside down face and pepper it with kisses.
“No, Momma, I’m too little for a job.”
Peyton wrapped her body around my calf sitting her little bottom on my foot.
“Okay, little princess, tell Momma sorry for calling her ‘woman’, it wasn’t nice.”
“Sorry, Momma!” she shouted, as I raced down the stairs.
Everything was in place. Austin had volunteered to help with the child drop off. His boyfriend even came down and offered to help out, as well. Emily had outdone herself with the centerpieces. She told me to remember how much I loved them when I got the bill for them next week. The entire town, it seemed, had turned out to see Rascal Flatts and have dinner with their sweetheart. Only a handful of people knew the real reason for this concert.
Morgan had his football team dressed in tuxedos and was using them for servers. Several cheerleaders were dressed to the nines and helping people find tables. I stood looking around, hand in my pocket, the velvet pouch clasped tightly in my fist.
Ashley made her way to the microphone. She was glowing, pregnancy definitely agreed with her. Drew was never far from her and seemed to always have his hand on her expanding tummy. No one was the least bit surprised when they snuck off to Charleston and married in the courthouse. Ashley refused to have anything flashy or be the center of attention.
“If I can have your attention, please?”
The conversations began to die down and every eye turned to look at Ashley.
“Thank you...ladies and gentlemen, thank you to each of you who have braved the weather to come and enjoy this event tonight.”
It was still early in the spring and the current temperature outside was in the low forties. My mother had searched out every portable heater in the county and the temperature inside the tent was a comfortable seventy degrees.
“Tonight, sit back and enjoy the wonderful food that is being served. Now, the moment many of you have been waiting for... Ladies and gentlemen, Rascal Flatts!”
e crowd erupted into applause as the curtain drew back and the band began to play.
“Want to join me, handsome?” Natalie’s warm hand and warmer breath pulled me out of my nervous state.
“I thought you would never ask.”
I took her hand and let her lead me to an open table near the rest of my family. Pulling out her chair, I looked to my proud faced mother and gave her a wink. I took my place and began trying to eat the food on my plate.
Ashley and I had planned to have the band perform three songs before I made my move. The third song began and I took my cue. I leaned into Natalie, whispering I would be right back.
I waited in the wings as the song came to a close. One of the roadies motioned for me to come on up as he handed me a guitar. I placed the strap around my neck and nervously crossed the stage, where I found a wooden stool waiting for me. Gary was already sitting on the other stool. As I took a deep breath, I looked to see my mother and Autumn had joined Natalie at the table; a look of confusion plain on her face.
My voice cracked slightly as I spoke into the microphone.
“Hello, everyone...um...I’m certain you are wondering what I’m doing up here, since you really want to hear these guys play and not me talk. But if you would just endure me for a moment of time, I will tell you the real reason you guys are here.”
I had waited for this moment since the first time I laid eyes on Natalie. She had strongly stood by my side through some difficult times. She had proven her love and devotion to me over and over. Now, it was my turn to tell the entire town what she meant to me.
“Natalie Reid, will you come closer to the stage, please.”
A member of the security team placed a wooden step that joined the audience to the stage. Natalie slowly walked toward me as the security team helped her to sit on the stairs.
“Natalie...when I first saw you, I knew I had to get to know you better. What I found out made me want to be a part of your life. You didn’t make that easy for me and for that I am grateful. If you had fallen at my feet, I wouldn’t have noticed how truly strong you are.”