Crain's Landing Read online

Page 28

  “Yes, Sir, it was.”

  “Did he talk to you about going to any club that night?”

  A chill ran up my spine. “I asked him if there were any social clubs in the area. He informed me that he could get me into a club if I wanted him to. I assumed he meant a swingers club and got angry with him. I informed him I was referencing clubs for young school children and the elderly.”

  Alex wrote quickly in his notebook.

  “Is there something I should be worrying about?”

  Alex’s eyes flashed to mine as he stopped writing and laid his hand down, covering his notes. “Evan has owned Crain’s Inn for many years. It has been a hot spot for high-end drug deals, prostitution, and illegal gambling. The basement of that restaurant is where the young girls you read about were found.”

  My stomach dropped and my ears began to ring. I thought back to how he had ordered white wine for me and tried to order food for me, as well. Was he that sinister he would drug me?

  “Ms. Reid, are you feeling all right?”

  I looked back into Alex’s face. “Yes. Yes, I am fine.”

  “Do you have any further questions for my client?” Mr. Morgan, who had been silent the entire time, finally spoke. I had nearly forgotten he was even in the room.

  “No, I think I have everything I need.” Alex stood up, collected his legal pad, and then shook my hand.

  “Ms. Reid, are you certain you are all right? You look a little pale.”

  I looked to Mr. Morgan. Alex had left and I hadn’t even noticed. “Yes, Mr. Morgan. I’ve just realized I dodged a huge bullet with Mr. Tucker.”

  Mr. Dorchester was waiting for me when I walked Mr. Morgan out of my office. “Ms. Reid, if I may, I need a word with you.” I smiled and nodded my head. After wishing Mr. Morgan a good day, I turned and walked back into my office, Mr. Dorchester in tow.

  “I wanted to talk briefly with you about your position here.” I sat a little straighter in my chair. Was he going to fire me, knowing I had looked at other positions?

  “The Board and I are concerned you are not happy here. What can we do to make things better for you?”

  I relaxed slightly as the fear of having to find another job went away. “As I told you earlier, I am not taking the job in Atlanta. I have found when things appear to be too good to be true, they usually are. It’s not that I am not happy here, the opposite is actually true. I just wanted to see what was out there. That I did have options if my situation ever changed.”

  He gave me a long look and I noticed his shoulders relax, as well. “Well, we are just thrilled to have you here. You have brought so many positive things to this little community and we hope to keep you around for a long time.”

  I smiled at his kind words.

  “Well then, Mr. Dorchester, I will expect to see you, and your beautiful bride, here next weekend for a craft and baked goods bizarre.”

  Over the next week, Grant and I were together every night. He would either be sitting in the living room waiting or he would just walk right in when he arrived. I began to really enjoy having him to cuddle with every night. He was an amazing cook and took care of the little things for me—laundry, cleaning the bathroom, and charging my cell phone.

  It was the night before the bizarre and we were all piled on the couch watching Ice Age. Peyton was passed out after the first fifteen minutes, so Grant and I took advantage and began making out like teenagers.

  “She loves having you here, you know.”

  He was kissing and nibbling my neck as I tried to turn off the television. “I love being here with the two of you, although my house is bigger and has more toys.” His eyebrows wiggled.

  I laughed at his antics; this wasn’t the first time he had mentioned his house being better than mine. “Really? You think a game room and a huge big screen television on the wall, plus a pool and all of that land you have in the back yard, is better than my little house?”

  He leaned back and looked me in the eyes. “Sweetheart, I have told you before, I want you two to live in that house with me. Peyton would have a play room and you would have an office. Plus, I know you are in love with my kitchen.”

  He was right, I loved his house. It was spacious and the appliances were top of the line. However, I still had several months left on my lease and I wouldn’t do that to Carolyn.

  “Grant, we have had this discussion. I’m not...”

  His finger across my lips silenced me. “I know, you don’t want to hurt my mother, but what if you weren’t her tenant? What if you were to become her daughter-in-law?”

  I grabbed his hand and removed it from my lips. “Was that you idea of a proposal?” My tone clipped and harsh.

  “Whoa, slow down there, Reid. I was just asking a question, not the question.”

  I looked at him with stern eyes. “Better not be, I’m holding you to the proposal that will keep the town talking.”

  “No, I told you I will ask you when the time is right. I just wanted to give you the invitation to move in with me, that’s all.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. “Yes, well for the final time, thanks but no thanks. I have more than me to consider and that would send the wrong message to Peyton.”

  Grant pulled me into his arms. “You’re right and I do respect your wishes, but make no mistake, I want us to always be together.”

  “Well then, Dr. Crain, I guess you had better consider asking me a very important question.”

  I had no idea that so many people would show up to the bizarre. I was floored to see all of the amazing crafts and baked goods. There was a guy who came from Charleston to sell his handmade wooden doll houses and rocking chairs. I tried to buy Peyton a dollhouse, but Carolyn and Martin beat me to it. Grant had the man making him six rocking chairs for his back porch.

  Another lady made the most beautiful lap blankets, I had to grab a few of them. Carolyn was right behind me and took the remaining blankets for herself. She planned to take them to a homeless shelter and donate them.

  The room with the baked goods smelled heavenly. I had to remind myself to stay out of there before I gained a hundred pounds. I watched as every merchant in there wanted Martin and Grant to try a bite of their goods. Poor Grant had to go and lie down in my office and let his stomach settle. All in all it was a huge success and several of the ladies wanted to make it a monthly event.

  Once I got Peyton into bed that night, which was quite a job considering the sugar high that Carolyn let her get, I relaxed next to Grant on the couch with a glass of wine. I had my laptop open and he was going over some patient files. I was never much of a news watcher; I would pick and choose what information I wanted to read about. I clicked on Google news and began my daily scanning of the highlights.

  “Oh, my God!” I strung the words out slowly. Grant removed his glasses and looked at my computer screen.

  “Holy shit!” Grant responded as he saw the same title I did.

  Arrest made in New York City has South Carolina Ties

  Atlanta officials have been busy making a case against Evan Tucker for human trafficking. However, a recent crime stoppers tip landed not only the guilty party, but also the tipper in jail.

  Last Monday, national news channels broadcasted that an arrest had been made in Atlanta. Authorities asked for anyone with information about the case to call crime stoppers. Jackie Forrester, age forty-seven, from Hikers Cove, Oregon, phoned the eight hundred number claiming she knew the exact whereabouts of the person in charge of handling the immigrant girls smuggled in from Asian countries.

  Local police and federal agents took the information from Ms. Forrester and did indeed find a warehouse located in New York harbor, that had approximately one hundred newly arriving Asian women, sitting in cages, waiting to be transported around the country. Holden Spencer was arrested by police and is said to be in a partnership with Evan Tucker.

  Ms. Forrester was instructed she was entitled to the reward that was advertised. When she arrived at police h
eadquarters, she was read her rights and booked into the local jail.

  Ms. Forrester is wanted in several states for extortion. She is accused of selling her baby to a number of couples. No baby was ever delivered to the couples after the money exchanged hands. A medical examiner reports that Ms. Forrester is unable to have children due to a hysterectomy.

  Federal prosecutors are in the process of transferring Mr. Spencer to a federal prison to await trial. When questioned as to why Ms. Forrester chose to turn in her live in boyfriend, Holden Spencer, she responded he had made her angry by not getting her what she wanted. She felt she could take the money from the Feds and start over.

  CAROLYN HAD INVITED US OVER for Thanksgiving dinner. She was the most excited I have ever seen her. Grant said this was the norm for her. She loved holidays, not only the big ones, but even the made up Hallmark holidays. He told me that growing up she was the team mom, as well as the homeroom mother. Knowing Carolyn as I did, I knew this to be true. She was inspiring in that gentle and loving, motherly way.

  I had volunteered to help her get the food ready a few days prior. I had no idea the extent she went to in order to get ready for dinner. The entire house was being scrubbed from top to bottom. She had venders from different crafts in the house, making certain everything was in working order. I had to roll my eyes at her and chuckle because who called the plumber to look at your toilet when it was working fine?

  She was in the process of changing her drapes in the large dining room to match her table scape. I couldn't even respond as she was helping the painter giving the chair rail the final touch up. You would think that with the amount of projects she was currently juggling, she would be biting off heads, but you would be wrong. She was practically dancing with excitement. Her joy seemed to be contagious as everyone who was working was laughing and having the time of their lives.

  By the time I had finished the ten pies she’d asked me to bake, I had to admit I was completely exhausted. Grant and Martin arrived from the hospital at the same time.

  “Hello, beautiful.” Martin and Grant announced at the same time. I hummed as Grant placed a sweet kiss to my lips.

  “Carolyn, the house looks even better than last year.” Martin was looking around the living room as he held Carolyn tightly in his arms.

  I looked at the two of them, feeling a twinge of jealousy. After all the years they’d been together, they were still so much in love. I could only imagine the trials they’d had to face; it seemed as though it only served to make them stronger. In this day and age of disposable marriage, it was wonderful to see something that had stood the test of time. Something, I had decided, I wanted for myself.

  “If you could all excuse me, I am going to change and get ready for pizza.” Martin announced as he kissed Carolyn again and made his way up the stairs.

  Carolyn had informed me it was a tradition in the Crain house that the night before any holiday, she allowed the children to order pizza to be delivered to the house. I could completely agree with her as the amount of work that had happened today was enough to inspire a quick meal I didn’t have to prepare.

  Grant had changed before he left the office, so he excused himself to get a drink from the kitchen. When he returned, the front door swung open and three excited children came running in, all screaming at the same time.

  “Uncle Grant!”


  The look on Grant’s face was of excitement and joy. He truly loved having children around him. I felt the stirring of longing to give him a child of his own. A special mix of the love we had for each other, with his amazing looks and my love for the written word. That would be something we would need to discuss in the future—a future I was certain I wanted with Grant and Peyton.

  Martin returned to his own cheering section as the grandchildren surrounded him. His face was nearly as happy as Grant’s, as he scooped all three up and began to give group hugs and kisses.

  The pizza arrived a few minutes later in the hands of Lily. Morgan was like a hound dog after a fresh bone, as he followed her into the house, and then to the kitchen. I laughed as Lily smacked his hand several times when he tried to lift one of the boxes. It was when she smacked him upside the back of his head, that I nearly peed my pants when he shouted, “Jesus Christ, Woman! You're going to give me brain damage hitting me that hard.”

  “Too late, Morgan, you were damaged before I ever got you.”

  We set the children in their chairs and had their plates ready. Martin sat at the head of the table and took several bites of his pizza before he spoke. “Grant, I got an unsettling email from Dr. Brenner in New England.” Grant’s eyes flashed to his father, while he continued to cut another piece of pizza for Peyton. “It seems your old attending, Dr. Henderson, was killed in a car accident.” Grant stopped cutting the pizza and looked off into the distance. His face told the story of where his mind was. He was visiting a time before I came into his world.

  “Oh dear, I should call his wife and express our condolences.” Carolyn’s words not enough to bring Grant back from his memories. Whatever he was currently reliving, it was a significant enough memory to keep his focus.

  “When was the last you spoke with him, Grant?’

  “Daddy, can I have it now?” Peyton’s pleading voice was the magic sound that shut the door to his thoughts.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart, here is your pizza.” He gently kissed the top of her head as he turned his attention back to his father. “I’m sorry, Dad, you were saying?”

  I didn’t like the look on Grant’s face. Regret, confusion, remorse.

  “I asked, when was the last time you spoke with him?” Grant fidgeted in his chair and then placed his elbows on the table and interlaced his fingers. This was the way he sat the night we had made up. I knew there was something big going on in his head.

  “It was the night of the residence dinner,” Grant’s voice cracked. This was unusual for him. He was always confident when he spoke.

  “I would have thought you two would have kept in contact all these years.”

  “I tried, Dad, but once his grant was approved and his wife became pregnant shortly after, he didn't have time to do much of anything.”

  Grant began to look into the distance again. This was not like him at all. I wanted to know why this memory was causing him so much worry.

  “Well, he was still your friend and I think you should make an effort to send your condolences.” I would wait until we were home before I questioned him about his memories, as Peyton silenced the room with what she said next.

  “Daddy, Savannah says that when mommy’s and daddy’s kiss a lot they are going to get a new baby.”

  I nearly lost my breath as I listened to Peyton’s innocent questioning. I adored how young children were brutally honest with those around them. They spoke their mind at how simple life around them appeared. As adults we should be more like them; less complicated and worry free.

  “Well, Peyton, it’s true that when mommy’s and daddy’s kiss, it sometimes can be the beginning of getting a new baby, but it takes a little more than a kiss.” Grant handled her comment like a seasoned pro, not showing her how odd the statement was. I was still trying to keep my laughter silent.

  I watched as her gleaming blue eyes studied his face as he tried to give her a plausible explanation. He would have to study up and have better answers for her when the time came to have the boy talk. Her face contorted and she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, worrying her brow in concentration. He gave her time to get her thoughts together before giving her any more information.


  “Yes, sweet pea.”

  “I want a brother. Next birthday I will wish for one and the birthday fairy will bring me one.”

  The drive home was quiet as Grant was again lost in his thoughts. Peyton sat in her car seat, hugging her puppy and watching the houses go by. Grant slowly pulled into my driveway; the garage door creaked as it rose. The headligh
ts shone brightly against the stark white wall. My garage was mostly empty, only an unused deep freezer sat in the corner.

  Grant pulled Peyton from the back seat, yet didn’t tickle her or cover her cheeks in kisses as he normally did. He never said a word as he headed directly into her bedroom, leaving me standing in the kitchen.

  I could hear the bathroom faucet and assumed he was helping her brush her teeth. I loaded a few empty cups into the dishwasher then set the dial to start the wash cycle in an hour. As I closed the cabinet door, I heard Grant’s footsteps approaching rapidly.


  I didn’t get to finish as he picked me up bridal style and crossed the room with me gripped in his arms. He sat me down firmly in the chair that rested in the corner of the room.

  “Natalie...” His breathing was labored and his hair tousled. I had never seen him act this way. “You have to help me. I’m doing everything wrong.” I pried his fingers off my arms as I tried to get his attention.

  “Grant, what is going on?”

  “I... I have to make things better for her and I’m screwing things up so bad. I need to give us a good home.” I held his face in my hands as I tried to get him to look at me. “I need you to help me.” His eyes finally met mine, although his far off look was still there.

  “Grant, you have to calm down so I can help you.”

  He gently grasped my face with his hands, “Natalie, you have to marry me, right now.” I nearly swallowed my tongue as I looked into his eyes. His features told me he was completely serious. “I don’t want to end up like Gary Henderson.”

  I cast a confused look in his direction. What could his dead friend possibly have to do with Peyton having a good home?

  “Gary and Bernice dated for ten years before he manned up and asked for her hand. Then, it was nearly ten more before she became pregnant.” His voice was serious, jaw tight with tension. I was only a passenger in his journey to the final destination of his thoughts.

  “I don’t want to wait until Peyton is leaving for college before having a baby with you.” His voice straining as he sank to his knees.