Crain's Landing Page 9
“Have a seat,” Drew’s voice startled me as I was looking intently at Ashley’s photo.
“She’s very pretty,” I said as I took a seat on the leather couch, placing Peyton on my lap.
“No, she’s beautiful. I’ve loved that girl since we were in second grade.” I knew about his time with Brittney and the reason Ashley would have nothing to do with him.
“How is she, Ms. Reid?”
I looked at him, his face now drawn and sad. Something wasn’t right in this situation. “Why do you ask, Drew, haven’t you hurt her enough?”
He rested his body against the back of his chair and again adjusted his cap. This was an obvious nervous habit.
“When I went to Ashley’s daddy and asked him for permission to date her, I was happy as a pig in mud when he’d said yes. What I didn’t know at the time was he was also having counseling sessions with Trixie, Brittney’s mother. She just happened to be sitting outside his office at the time.”
I noticed he didn’t call Trixie or Brittney “Miss,” as I found was the norm around here. Clearly, something was up.
“I took Ashley to see a movie that first week. I kept my hands to myself and had her home on time. For two years, I treated her with respect and honor. Trust me, I wanted to do more than hold her hand or kiss her cheek, but Ms. Ashley is a lady, much as yourself, and my Ma would’ve beat me good if I’d acted on those urges.”
My heart clenched as his story unfolded. I could feel the heartache he held inside his massive chest.
“My friend, Dustin, was getting married and he wanted me to come to his bachelor party. I didn’t want to go, but Ashley said it was important. So I went and we were just sitting around the bar watching the game when this...girl came into the bar. I didn’t recognize her at first because she had sunglasses and a wig on. Once I figured out why she was there and who she was, I threw money on the bar and left.”
His story seemed very innocent and I couldn’t understand why there was an issue.
“Trixie tried to stop me before I could get to my car. She said she’d had her eye on me for a while now. I politely excused myself and got in my car and left.” He turned and looked at Ashley’s picture. “I went to Ashley’s house the next morning, only to have her dad meet me at the front door, telling me I was no longer welcome at his house. I asked him why and he told me he was aware of my affair with Brittney.”
My hand pressed to my open and shocked mouth.
“I’d bought her a ring. I still have it at home. Right after I took over this shop for my dad, I began to work hard so she could stay home with our youngins.” He was now tracing his thumb over Ashley’s face in the picture. Reliving the memory as if it was yesterday. Maybe it was, I had never asked Ashley how long ago this happened.
“You didn’t sleep with Brittney, did you?” Every fiber in my being knew the answer; he didn’t have to say it. How could people be so cruel?
“I wish I could take some kind of test to show her I’m still waiting for her. You know, like ladies have their hymens to show they’re still pure. I wish guys had one, too, because I’d still have mine.”
I nearly lost my breath. “Drew, are you…?”
“Yes, Ms. Reid, I saved myself and I’m still saving myself for her. There’s no one else and the minute she finds someone else, I’ll sell this place and move to some deserted island. I won’t be able to see her with another guy. I still love her, even after all this time.”
This was beyond anything I had ever seen. I had a fire in my belly and would do everything in my power to get them back together. “Drew, have your guy put two more steaks in my order. I want you to be at my house on Saturday night for dinner. I’m going to fix this.”
Drew’s face rose, the look of amazement and hope reflecting in his big brown eyes. “Miss Natalie, if you can get my Ashley back for me, I’ll give you free meat for life.”
I joined in his excitement. “That’s a long time, Drew.”
His face emotional as he confidently replied, “Not if you get my Ashley back.”
The next day was Friday and I dragged my body out of bed. I arrived at the office to find the smell of coffee and donuts hanging in the air. Contemporary Coffee was in full swing, getting their little area in order. Brittney was again dressed in clothes similar to mine and Ashley’s.
“Brittney, I’ll need a word with you this morning.”
The look on her face was of confusion. Ashley also looked worried. I gestured to my office then instructed Ashley to hold all visitors and calls. I walked calmly behind my desk and took my seat. Brittney was playing with her fingers and visibly uncomfortable.
“Please explain to me why you and your mother chose to ruin the relationship of a perfectly happy couple?” Her eyes became huge and she started to speak, but I held up my hand to stop her. “Don’t think for one second you can lie to me. I hate liars and I already know the truth, I just want to hear it from you.”
She continued to look like she had no idea what I was talking about. I gave her the bitch brow and crossed my arms over my chest. I watched as the realization finally came to her. Her chest rose with her deep intake of breath as her eyes lowered to her lap.
“It was while my mom was finishing nursing school. Things were really tight because she could only work at night.”
I interrupted her. “By working, you mean stripping.” She nodded her head. “Continue.” I rolled my hand in her direction.
“Drew owns one of the most successful businesses in town and Momma decided that if I could land him we’d be financially set. But he’s in love with Ashley.”
I held my hand up, stopping her. “Wait, you knew he was in love with Ashley and yet you let her believe a lie?”
“You don’t get it, Natalie. Men don’t say no to the women in my family. When we want something from them, we get it.” Her face changed from fear to determination.
“But Drew didn’t give you what you wanted, did he?”
“No, and neither did Dr. Crain. My mother and Aunt Janice have tried everything to get into his bed, but it hasn’t worked. Trust me, they’re pissed at you because you have his attention and haven’t even wanted it.”
I closed my eyes and sighed. “So why haven’t you told her the truth?”
Brittney fidgeted in her chair, then took in a deep breath, relaxing her body with a large exhale. “Aunt Janice thought he’d cave after a while, but he still won’t even look at any other girl in town.”
I crossed my legs, as her story unfolded. Was there no limit to the deceitfulness these women would go to get what they want? “Brittney, do you like working here?” She nodded her head, yes. “Well, then I think it’s time for the truth to be told, don’t you?” She didn’t respond. “Listen, Brittney, I can’t make you be honest with Ashley, but it’s the decent thing to do. I mean, how would you feel if Ashley was going after the guy you liked? You’d want to know the truth, wouldn’t you?” She nodded her head yes, her bottom lip trembling.
“Go ask Ashley to join us.” I stood from my chair and made my way around the desk. I leaned against the front of it and crossed my arms. Ashley was wide-eyed when she and Brittney came back into the room. “Close the door, Brittney.”
Once Brittney and Ashley were both seated, I began to clean-up the mess that Brittney and her mother, Trixie, had created. “Ladies, as employees of this library, I expect you to work well together. In order to do that, I feel it’s important that if one of you has something to say to the other that may be of importance, now is the time.”
Brittney blew out a big breath, then turned her entire body to face Ashley. “Okay, so remember when you and Drew were getting serious and he went to that party of Dustin’s?”
Ashley’s face turned to anger as Brittney spoke. “How could I forget? You bragged to the entire town how” Her voice rose several octaves, her arms emphasizing the emotions brewing inside her.
“It’s all right, Ashley. You don’t have to say it.” I
knew exactly how she felt. The moment I found out about Holden and my mother, my insides turned to razor blades, slicing against my heart and lungs. No woman should ever have to feel that type of pain. The kind of pain that destroys you and leaves you damaged and broken.
“The truth is...nothing happened. We made the whole thing up to break you two apart.”
The sound of Ashley’s sudden intake of breath was the only noise in the room. “But you said he had this birthmark and when...”
Brittney cut her off. “Did you ever talk to Drew about the birthmark?”
Ashley shook her head. “But that would be something...” She was lost in her own world, a place she had found nothing but loss and unnecessary heartache. I could see her eyes about to lose the battle with her unshed tears.
“Oh, God, Ashley, we lied about the whole thing. Do yourself a favor and ask him.”
I was lost in the conversation. A birthmark? “Wait…what damn birthmark?” I interjected.
Brittney rolled her eyes as she turned to me. “My sister, Kate, saw this guy come into the supermarket where she works who had this really gross birthmark on his face. We told Ashley that Drew has a birthmark on the inside of his thigh, in the shape of a star.”
Learning of Brittany’s sister had me wondering if Kate could have been the idiot who ignored me my first full day here. I looked to Ashley, who was clearly reliving the conversation. This had to end and now.
“Well, ladies, there’s only one way to solve this.” I rounded my desk and hit the button for speaker phone. I dialed the number on my receipt from the steaks I had purchased last night. “Foster’s,” a husky voice answered the phone.
“Good morning, this is Natalie Reid. May I please speak with Drew Foster?”
“Oh, yes, Ma’am. Your steaks are all right ain’t they, Ma’am?”
“Yes, Sir, the steaks are just fine. I have a personal matter to discuss with him and it’s rather urgent.”
“Yes, Ma’am, I’ll get him right now.”
You could hear him calling out Drew’s name in the background and then the sound that seemed to be a hand over the receiver.
“This is Drew, Miss Reid. Everything all right?”
“Drew, are you in your office? You need to be, because I have a personal question to ask of you.”
“Yes, Ma’am, I’m in my office and I’m happy to answer any question you have.”
I looked to Ashley, who had huge tears rolling down her pretty face. She truly loved Drew as much as he loved her. My eagerness to reunite them grew tenfold. “Drew, this is going to sound like a strange question but, do you have any birthmarks anywhere on your body?” Drew answered very quickly, not a single ounce of hesitation.
“No, Ma’am. If you don’t believe me, Doc Crain just did my physical for my new life insurance this mornin’. I can grab him if you want to hear it from him.”
I smiled; I didn’t need anything other than Drew’s word. “No, Drew, that won’t be necessary, I completely believe you.”
It was Brittney who now had a smile of contentment on her face. She had done the right thing and I had to give her credit.
“How is she today?” Drew’s gentle question surprised me.
“Ashley’s fine. But I have a feeling she’s going to be so much better very soon.” I looked into Ashley’s eyes as I spoke to Drew.
“You’re my last hope, Miss Natalie. I love that girl. It’s been too long since I've told her that. Given the chance, I’ll tell her every second of every day for the rest of my life.”
Ashley mouthed the words back to him, wiping fresh tears away. The battle to hold them in was lost with the first sound of Drew’s voice.
I lifted the receiver and placed it back on the cradle, effectively ending the phone call. The room was now silent as both women were deep in thought.
“Natalie, I need the rest of the day off.” Ashley’s voice finally broke the silence. She rose from her chair, her destination clear.
“Oh, my so have to do it,” Brittney added.
I looked to both ladies in bewilderment.
“I’m sorry, Natalie, I feel like such a fool. I believed the words of a viper and refused to hear the truth from the man who loves me. I have to go to him and make this right. I can’t let him think for one more second that I don’t love him right back, now that I know the truth.” I watched Ashley rise from her chair, her mission clearly etched across her face.
“Brittney, you’ll take over Ashley’s cleaning duty this afternoon.” She tried to open her mouth to argue, but a quick bitch brow from me silenced her. “Ashley, I do expect to see you at my house for dinner on Saturday night.”
She turned back as she opened the door and looked at me. “Have you forgotten that tonight is the game? You’ll see me there; Drew never misses a single home game.”
Oh hell, I’d forgotten about that damn game. Maybe Grant wasn’t into high school football.
One could only hope...
AS I STOOD IN LINE to go inside the football stadium, I was bombarded by parent after parent telling me how excited they were to have the library modernized. One older gentleman inquired about the coffee shop, making certain they would offer a cup of coffee under a dollar like the diner. I told him I would try my best. Mr. Jamison, as he introduced himself, would be pleasantly surprised, as the manager had assured me they would have a fifty cent cup of plain black coffee on the menu.
As I got closer to the ticket booth, the young girl behind the counter noticed me, her smile was electric. “Welcome, Miss Reid, so glad to see you and this little princess here tonight.”
Peyton had buried her face into my neck. With a little encouragement from the ticket girl, she looked around the crowd with big eyes.
“Thank you so much, I can’t wait to watch the team.”
She handed me my tickets, but refused to take any money. “Mrs. Carolyn said your money was no good here tonight.”
I thanked her and then followed the line to the stadium bleachers. The stadium was a sea of black and red, Dad had been right when he said the entire town came out in support. It seemed the only people who weren’t at this game, were the tourists staying in the local motels.
My understanding was that tonight was the Homecoming game. Several young ladies were in evening dresses getting pictures taken on the field. I thought back to my own high school days; Holden had been crowned Homecoming King our senior year. I should have known he was a creep when he kissed the Homecoming Queen a little too long.
“Miss Natalie!” I heard my name being yelled from the corner of the bleachers. A very excited Autumn stood on one of the seats, trying to get my attention. I waved back only to wait my turn in the long line before me. It took several minutes to get to her and the rest of the Crain clan. Once Lily and Autumn were in Peyton’s view, she started to get excited and demanded to go to Lily the second I was within arm’s reach of her.
“Hello, darlin’, I’m so glad to see the both of you.” Carolyn’s words were again genuine and warm. She pulled me into a heartfelt hug. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to just enjoy it.
“I’m actually experiencing a little nostalgia over memories of attending my own high school football games.” I hoped the smile I was wearing was believable. Carolyn had the entire row covered in thick blankets and several thermoses of delightful beverages, I was certain, were lined up and sitting near her feet. She, too, was dressed head to toe in red and black.
“Oh, I’ll bet you were such a beauty. Your poor daddy must’ve kept his shotgun at the ready.”
I shook my head as I dipped my chin down in regret. “I’ve only ever had one relationship and the only good thing to come out of it was my little girl.”
Carolyn patted my knee gently—tenderness and compassion in abundance in her touch. “Sometimes the sweetest jams come from the most bruised fruit.” She was so right in this instance.
Looking over Carolyn’s shoulder, I noticed two people walking close together
in this direction. As they got nearer, I couldn’t help but smile and stand to greet them. Ashley and Drew were so close together you couldn’t tell where one of them started and the other ended. Drew was busy kissing Ashley’s head as he led her this way, his entire upper body wrapped around her tiny frame.
“Well, I guess your afternoon off went well.”
Ashley had a look of relief and complete and utter love on her entire being. “It went very well, and thanks, Natalie.” She snuggled farther into Drew's embrace, if that was even possible.
“Don’t thank me, it was Brittney being honest.”
Autumn and Lily suddenly stopped playing with Peyton and leaned over to listen to the conversation. Peyton climbed her way into my arms.
“ guys are together again?” Lily asked with exuberance.
“We sure are. She came running into the store this morning, threw herself into my arms, and kissed me for all she was worth.” Drew's eyes never left a smiling Ashley's face. “She told me she was sorry she’d wasted so much time. Dad told me to take her to lunch and work it all out.” The love was pouring off the pair in waves; one could use a bucket to collect it, save it for a rainy day.
“Momma, girls!” Peyton yelled, pointing at the cheerleaders who were getting ready on the field.
“Yes, love, they’re going to cheer for the boys to win.” Peyton was so excited she made enough noise the young cheerleaders turned and waved at her.
It was then I noticed Martin talking with some men on the field. Grant was about six feet ahead of him, shaking hands with the older people who had lawn chairs along the fence. One woman in particular kissed his cheek and I watched as his face turned red. Standing next to Grant was an equally tall man. His dark brown hair styled in what I would consider a preppy fashion, with the part on the side and bangs combed to the opposite direction. He had a certain air about him, professional yet with a good ole boy living deep within. He was handsome and by the ring on his left hand, married. I watched Grant offer the lady he’d been speaking with a wave in parting. I silently hoped he would get a page from his office. So much for hoping he wouldn’t be here tonight.