Crain's Landing Read online

Page 8

  “Good morning, sorry to keep you waiting. How can I help you?” Her voice was sweet and calm and her green eyes caught me off guard.

  “Yes, I’m looking for Dr. Grant Crain. I have something to give him.” I motioned to the cardboard box in my hand.

  “Do you have an appointment?” she inquired with a questionable brow.

  “Oh no, this isn’t about my daughter. Dr. Crain left this for me and I’m afraid I have to return it to him.”

  She stood from her chair and extended her hand to me. “You must be Natalie, I’m Tiffany. Dr. Grant was called into an emergency situation and is currently across the street at the hospital.”

  I shook her hand and smiled. Her face was kind and yet it pissed me off that everyone knew who I was. “Thank you, Tiffany. I’ll look for him at the hospital.”

  I exited the office and waited for a car to clear the intersection, before we crossed the street in the direction of the hospital. Crain’s Landing Community Hospital was not very big, yet had what seemed to be every service available as a much larger hospital. I wasn’t certain what I expected, since the city of Crain’s Landing only had a little over six thousand residents.

  I walked through the sliding glass doors and came to the reception desk. No one was manning it so I decided to wait for a minute. Just as I checked my watch and took in the room, a female laugh could be heard coming from my right. I turned to see two nurses, a beautiful blonde and a redhead, coming my way.

  “Excuse me,” I called to the pair. Their laughter stopped and I watched as their smiles faded and they looked at me with death glares. “I’m looking for Dr. Grant Crain. His office said he was here. Could you please page him for me?”

  The two looked at each other, looked at me, and then began to laugh. I failed to see what was so funny and became a little pissed at their lack of professionalism.

  “Sorry, Natalie, Grant is a little busy, but if you’ll tell me what you need, I’ll make certain he gets the message,” the blonde spoke as the redhead snorted. Apparently, this pair also knew who I was.

  “Yes, well, I didn’t ask if I could leave a message, I asked to have him paged,” I snapped, showing my aggravation.

  “And I said he’s busy and I’ll give him a message. Now why don’t you just return to your boring little library, with your boring-assed books, and leave Grant alone.”

  My anger had now escalated to an unhealthy level, for whom I wasn’t entirely certain. I removed my cell from my purse and pulled up the hospital website. After getting the phone number, I hit the call button and when the operator answered, I asked to speak with the hospital administrator. I watched as the eyes of the two nurses became huge. The operator informed me the chief of staff, Dr. Martin Crain, was currently in the middle of an emergency surgery, but she would send me to his voicemail. I thanked her and as I awaited his voicemail to start, I watched as the two nurses continued to scrutinize me.

  “Good morning, Dr. Crain. My name is Natalie Reid and I’ve encountered an issue I’d like to make you aware of. This morning, I presented into your hospital and asked to have a physician paged, my daughter's pediatrician in fact. The two nurses, I say nurses because that’s what their name badges state, tell me that they’ll take a message and make certain Dr. Grant Crain gets it. Now, Trixie Reynolds and Sophia Lowe have been less than helpful and have not bothered to make certain there isn’t a medical emergency with my two-year-old or myself. They have continued to be nothing but rude and condescending as one of them even informed me I need to ‘return to my boring library and my boring-assed books,’ to directly quote them. I’m certain you do not train your employees to act in such a rude and unprofessional manner. I’d appreciate it if you’d please return my phone call so I can speak with you regarding this incident. Thank you, Dr. Crain, and have a wonderful day.”

  I hit end on my phone, turned, and walked out. I had dealt with women like those two in the past. They preyed on the weak to make themselves feel better. I also knew that the moment you stood up to them, they backed right down.

  I parked my car in the library parking lot and walked across to the daycare center. Lily said nothing, but she had a huge smile on her face. I bid her a good day and then headed back to work.

  With the cardboard box still in my hand, I opened the door and walked into the library. The tile man was busy getting the material installed, while the students were sanding down the wood trim that would go back around the floor. Dwight winked at me and I fought, with everything in me, not to flip him off. However, the sight that made me stop in my tracks was of Brittney standing outside my office door. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail and her usually curly blonde hair was now dark brown and pin straight. Her face was absent of her normal excessive makeup and her clothes were...well, not her usual. She had on a skirt that went to her ankles and a sweater that looked to be at least a size too big. The cosmetic glasses that sat on her nose completed the one eighty she had done with her wardrobe.

  With a shrug, Brittney began, “I figured I’ve tried to catch Grant’s attention for years looking sexy. You turned his head in less than two seconds looking, so I figured you’re his type. And, don’t want him so why not give this a try?” The normally confident Brittney was now acting shy and reserved. I decided to give her a break and help her out. All right, yes, what I was about to do was totally selfish, but...

  “Brittney, I actually have an important job for you that would involve you seeing Dr. Crain, are you interested?”

  She looked at me with total confusion. “You want me to go see Grant?”

  Her lack of common sense was comical. This would be so much fun. “Yes, I have this item I need returned to him. I just don’t have time to wait for him, so could you go over to his office, sit and wait for him to get in and then give it to him?”

  By the look in her eyes, the light bulb had finally gone off. I held in my laughter as she grabbed her purse and began typing on her cell phone. I handed her the now-sealed box, giving her strict instructions to give it only to Dr. Grant Crain personally and no one else. She nodded her head frantically, assuring me she would stay there until she gave it only to him.

  I made my way to my desk where I took time to answer my awaiting emails. Ashley came in and took her usual seat as she waited for me to acknowledge her. “Yes?” I mused, unimpressed.

  “Oh, nothing, just wondered what you were doing?”

  I stopped my typing and placed my glasses on the desk as I looked at her. “It’s this little thing called a job, you should really try it.”

  Ashley guffawed as she stood and left the room.

  What in the world was that about? I hit the send button on my final email and decided to break for lunch. I had my cursor hovering over the close button for my email when the chime indicating I had new mail began sounding continuously. At first, I thought it was just an error. However, when I opened the new mail file, my eyes became huge as I saw my inbox was filling up. When my text message alert began to sound on my cell phone, I buried my hands in my hair. I looked at line after line of new email, all from the same person; one Grant Crain.

  I couldn’t take it anymore and closed my computer completely and shut off my cell phone. I grabbed my purse and headed over to the daycare center. I took my aggravation out on the metal buttons of the keypad, entered my code, and then headed straight for Peyton’s room. However, the second I stepped foot into the center, I noticed every employee and every child was wearing a pink T-shirt with the same caption.

  Ms. Natalie, say yes to Dr. Grant!

  Lily was standing over a table of children, filling up glasses of juice. She noticed me and pointed at her shirt. I rolled my eyes as I crossed the room and kissed my daughter’s head. She was too busy talking with Savannah to pay me any attention, so I left without saying a word. I crossed the parking lot and was getting into my car, when I noticed Brittney had returned. She now had a large pink bag in her hands. Her smile was huge and she was bouncing
on her toes.

  “Natalie, I did what you said and he gave me this to give to you.” I looked into the bag only to find the box I had tried to return as well as a large note that stood out. I pulled out the eight-by-ten-inch card and held it up, written in his surprisingly legible hand writing once again.

  Didn’t your mother teach you any manners? When someone gives you a gift, you say thank you, you don’t send it back. I can see you doubt my words about being persistent. I have all the time in the world to wait for you to say yes. Remember, I’m a very patient man.

  Seriously? I’d always figured being a doctor required some higher level of intelligence, but I was beginning to wonder. What part of “not interested” did this guy not comprehend?

  BRITTNEY SEEMED TO DANCE AROUND the library after she returned from Grant’s office. It didn’t hurt that one of the guys helping to install the new bookcases was from Charleston and had asked for her number. I had a feeling Brittney would toss her too-short and too-tight skirts for the more appropriate clothing she was wearing today and I was right. Poor Grant didn’t even know he’d lost one of his groupies. As sad as it might seem, I was happy she was moving on, since watching that kind of abject worship had been a bit disturbing.

  It was nearly time for everyone to head home when Ashley appeared with a devastatingly handsome man beside her. I could tell by his tailored suit he was a professional. I had not been expecting anyone and silently prayed he wasn’t from the Board.

  “Natalie, this is Dr. Martin Crain. He insisted on speaking with you.” I looked to Ashley who silently mouthed, “Oh, my God!” before turning and leaving, shutting my office door gently.

  I rose from my chair as I extended my hand to him. “Dr. Crain, I’m Natalie Reid. How can I help you today?”

  His handshake was firm, his hand smooth and warm. The smile that decorated his lips was genuine. Too many people today plastered on a fake smile to make you feel comfortable. I, for one, was cautious when that happened. It always made me to wonder what they had to hide?

  “Well, Natalie, first, you can call me Martin and second, you can tell me how my nurses were rude and unprofessional.”

  I nodded and motioned for him to have a seat. With my hands crossed on my desk, I relayed the entire story. Martin listened intently and nothing I had to report seemed to faze him.

  “Natalie, I do need to apologize to you for the actions of my employees. I can assure you this incident will not go unpunished. I have to admit that unfortunately, it has more to do with my son than you.”

  I looked at him with a puzzled expression.

  “It’s no secret that all of my children are, how do the kids say it these days...easy on the eyes.”

  I smiled at his candor; I had no doubt what he said was true.

  “For Grant, especially, it’s been difficult to keep his focus at times. Don’t misunderstand me, Natalie, Grant hasn’t returned interest in the majority of the offers he’s had over the years. He’s no saint, I can assure you, but he isn’t sowing his oats either.” Martin spoke candidly about his son, the glint in his eye, however, never left. Like his son, Martin was also pleasant to look at. His ice blue eyes and dark hair, with a scattering of silver marring the edges near his temple. Tiny age lines stayed long after the smile had faded. It was easy to see what Grant would look like in about twenty years.

  “I’m sorry, Martin, what does that have to do with your nurses being rude? I wasn’t at the hospital to ask him out or to flirt with him. I had a purpose for going there.”

  Martin’s face turned slightly red and his cavalier grin stood out. Another trait I had noticed on Grant. “Even a blind man could see Grant has taken an interest in you. The nurses you encountered today are among those he hasn’t returned their affection.”

  “Hmm, I see. So because I was simply taking a breath today, they don’t care for me.”

  Martin leaned his forearm to rest on his things; his deep, soulful eyes still captivating mine. “Sadly, yes, that pretty much sums it up.”

  I thought briefly as I began my reply. “Well then, Martin, I think we can resolve this matter with a few simple words. You see, I have no intention in dating Grant. I have no interest in him. The only relationship I want with him is that of being the doctor for my little girl. So you can let the entire town know that Grant Crain is very much available for ogling and pursuing.”

  Martin began to laugh. Not chuckling, but gut-wrenching, belly laughing.

  “I’m sorry, did I say something funny?” My impatience showed in my tone.

  Martin tried very hard to compose himself. The longer he laughed, the angrier I got. “I’m so sorry, Natalie. You have to forgive me as this has brought up some memories of when my son, Morgan, was interested in Ms. Lily.” I sat quietly as he continued his trip down memory lane, his jubilance remaining. “I’ll be happy to pass along your message, but I do hope you have the opportunity to speak with Grant about this.”

  My face turned serious as I fidgeted with my fingers. “Dr. Crain, I have every intention of speaking with your son. He’ll soon find out that I’m not in a position to be an active participant in a romantic relationship, nor am I interested in being a one-time fling. I may have a child, but I’m not a promiscuous person.”

  Martin rose from his chair, and I stood along with him. “I have no doubt you two will have an interesting conversation, to say the least.” We shook hands and he turned to walk to my door, stopping as he opened it.

  “One last thing, wife, Carolyn, and my daughter-in-law, Lily, were just like you. They wanted nothing to do with myself or my son. Both adamantly refused to, as you just stated, be a one-time fling. However, I must warn you that I chased after my beautiful wife for three years and Morgan took over a year to get Lily's attention. Grant was a cross country runner, still runs everyday to stay in shape. He has always chased after everything he had wanted, Natalie, especially if what he’s pursuing is worth the effort.”

  I had just picked up Peyton when I called my dad’s house. Peggy answered the phone, and after having to interrupt her three times, I finally got to ask her and Dad over for dinner. She told me the best place in town for steaks was Foster’s Meat Market and said to ask for Drew, to tell him she sent me.

  I pulled up to the white, one-story building, and helped Peyton out of her car seat, then entered the shop. The bell over the door announced my arrival. Conversations going on when I walked in abruptly hushed, and you could hear my shoes on the tile floor.

  I walked around several men who were standing together; all were wearing the same style of clothes and hats. The walls were lined with posters announcing deer processing and instructions on how to order a whole cow or pig. A large marquee spelled out the prices of every cut of meat, announcing special prices if purchased in bulk. I excused myself as I passed and every single one of them tipped their hats and called me “Ma’am.”

  At the counter, I was greeted by an older gentleman. He was dressed in a white coat with a red ball cap on his head, adorned with the business logo. His silver hair and ample chin admitted his age and experience. His big brown eyes were colored with kindness.

  “Can I help you?” His accent was the thickest I had heard since my arrival.

  “Yes, Sir, I was told to request a gentleman by the name of Drew. Are you he by any chance?”

  “No, darlin’, that’s my boy. Let me get him for you.” I looked around the store while I waited. The men who stood behind me had resumed their conversations. I looked down on a wide-eyed Peyton, her puppy clenched in her arms.

  “Can I help you, Miss?” Slightly started, I turned back around to find a tall, muscular man with large, kind, brown eyes. His brown, curly hair was covered by his ball cap, but several small pieces curved around the edges. His face was clean-shaven and his skin free of blemishes. I could see why Ashley liked him; he was very attractive.

  “Um, yes, are you Drew?” He averted his eyes and then adjusted his cap.

  “Yes, M
a’am. Ms. Peggy must have sent you.”

  I nodded my head. “Yes, she did.”

  He raised his hand for me to shake. “Good to finally meet you, Ms. Reid. Folks say you’re giving the library a good cleaning up. ‘Bout time someone did.”

  His words surprised me. Not that he knew who I was, I was quite used to that. He thought my efforts were a needed thing.

  “What can I help you with today, Ma’am?”

  “Well, Drew, I’m having my father and Ms. Peggy over for dinner and my dad is a true meat and potatoes man. I’m told you’re the best when it comes to a good steak.”

  He again adjusted his cap and he smiled. “I’ll have some cut special for you. Why don’t you come around to my office while you wait for those?”

  I was a little taken aback. I had not expected him to invite me to sit in his office. I took the opportunity as I really didn’t want to just stand around. Drew came from behind the counter and motioned for me to follow him. He led me, with Peyton in tow, to a stark hallway. The walls were white and the floor a polished concrete with the overwhelming smell of bleach and processed meat and the sound of a saw blade screeching rhythmically in the next room. His office was at the end of the short hallway. He opened the door and stood back, allowing me to enter first.

  The office was nothing special. There was a desk sitting in the corner, papers covered it and the two walls it sat against. However, what did stand out for me was the framed picture that sat on the lone windowsill. It was of Ashley. The sun was high, lightening her hair. Her smile was genuine and she appeared to be sitting by a lake or pond.