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Crain's Landing Page 19

  “That was better than I ever dreamed.”

  I smiled at his words while keeping my eyes closed. I wasn’t ready for this feeling to leave me yet.

  “I should go. We both have an early morning tomorrow.”

  I nodded my head in agreement. “When can we do this again?” My response surprised me. I’d had it in mind that this would be a one-time thing— a simple way to get him off my back. However, after the time I’d had with him, I wanted more.

  “Well, there’s a Festival coming to town...” He pulled his forehead away from mine and his smile completely covered his beautiful face. “Does this mean you want to see me again, Ms. Reid?”

  I smile shyly, looking through my eyelashes as I nodded my head. His face was priceless and I loved that I’d made him this happy.

  “Really?” His tone reminded me of a fangirl.

  “Yes, Grant. I had such a great time that I’d like to see you again. So what do you think, want to win me a cheaply made teddy bear on the midway?”

  He looked at me as he replaced his smile with a very serious face. “No, that won’t work.”

  I was shocked and slightly hurt at his response.

  “That’s far too long to wait to see you again. How about dinner at my house this week?” His hands rested on my hips, while mine lay flat on his chest.

  “I think that could be arranged. Can you even cook or are we getting take-out?”

  He stood back a bit with his hands on his chest. “Natalie, you wound me, of course I can cook.”

  Once again, I rose up on my tiptoes and this time, I kissed him. It was quick, but still wonderful. “I’d really like that.”

  He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine again. “I’ll call you tomorrow and let you know my schedule.”

  With my bottom lip firmly between my teeth, I secured the door behind him. Grant was nothing like I expected. I closed my eyes as I placed my back to the door and said a prayer, hoping to all that was holy that it was heard.

  “Please, God, don’t let him break me.”

  I WAS PLEASANTLY SURPRISED WHEN nothing was said as I dropped off Peyton at daycare. However, the same could not be said for the moment I walked into my office.

  “I can report that he had her home at a respectable hour,” Ashley mocked in her typical Southern accent. I was able to understand a little more of it every day.

  I completely ignored her as I passed her desk.

  “I heard he kissed her inside her front door,” Brittney whisper-shouted in the same way.

  I turned on my heels and glared at the two of them. “First off,”—I pointed at Ashley—“don’t think for one second I have forgotten discovering Drew at your house at four in the morning.” I crossed my arms. “Secondly, how do you know what did or did not happen behind my front door?”

  The two of them looked at each other and then began to giggle like schoolgirls. I was too frustrated to join them in their laughter. I knew I had to play this down. I couldn’t let anyone know that my feelings for Grant had changed significantly.

  “Natalie, my aunt lives across the street from you and the biggest town gossip, Mrs. Birdie, lives next door.” The memory of the curtains moving in the window came to mind as Brittney spoke. I would have to watch what I did and said outside my house from now on. I wondered if she’d witnessed my panty show on my back deck the other day.

  “To end any misleading information, yes, Dr. Crain was a perfect gentleman during our dinner. Yes, he had me home in time to put Peyton to bed. However, the issue of a kiss or no kiss behind closed doors will remain that, behind closed doors.”

  No additional words were spoken about my dinner with Grant. A few minutes later, Mrs. Stevens brought her first grade class over for a tour of the library. I sat in awe as I watched their bright little faces take in all the books that lined the shelves. I remembered, as a young child, the first time I visited a library. I was hopelessly in love from the first moment. I was happy to see Mrs. Stevens was trying to share that love with her students. I continued to watch as Austin bent down and spoke with several children in a circle around him. He was so patient with them and I knew if he wanted to, he would be a great dad. Kaylin was surrounded by little boys, which was no surprise. I was certain she knew each of them and their parents. It didn’t surprise me when I found out Kaylin did a great deal of volunteering at the local schools.

  The vibrating of my cell brought me out of my musings. Looking at the screen, I couldn’t help but smile at the words.

  Early clinic day on Wednesday. Dinner, my house at six. Miss you already. XOXO

  Grant insisted I bring Peyton over, as well. However, when Peggy and my father found out where I was going, they insisted it was their turn to have a grandparents’ night. Peyton was too excited for me to tell her no. So, there I was, walking up the six steps to Grant’s front door, sans child.

  His house was not what I had expected at all. In my mind, I pictured a small, modern bachelor pad. The reality was a beautiful, large farmhouse style home. It was two stories, with a huge, deep wraparound porch. The flowerbeds that lay between the driveway and the railing that secured the porch, were pristine. He must have had a gardener.

  I looked to my left and noticed an inviting porch swing. The ferns that hung from the overhang swayed softly with the wind. To my right was a welcoming conversation area, complete with comfy pillows, a settee, rocking chairs, and a rug rested under the furniture. His massive front door was encased by a protective glass storm door. Hanging proudly was a beautiful floral wreath that celebrated fall.

  “Hello, beautiful.” I jumped at the sound of his voice. Looking back to my left, I noticed Grant standing there smiling at me from a side door off the porch. He was causally barefoot, in worn jeans and a T-shirt, a dish towel flung over his right shoulder. I’d seen him in a business suit, scrubs, and basketball shorts. This, however, was my favorite.

  “Grant, you startled me.” He held the door wider for me as I crossed the porch in his direction. The smile that covered his face was nothing compared to mine. I stepped into the house as the aroma of cooking meat and baking bread filled the air around me.

  “I’m just finishing up. Can I get you something to drink?” Grant motioned for me to walk into what I assumed was the kitchen. The sound of my shoes on his hardwood floors were the only thing that reminded this was real.

  The house was warm and inviting. His furnishings worked well in this room. It reminded me of my house, clean lines, yet sophisticated.

  “Water will be fine.” I was driving tonight and I never took chances with alcohol and a car. I watched as he turned to the refrigerator door and smoothly opened it, retrieving a bottle and smiling at me as he twisted the top open. His kitchen was incredible. Windows lined the back wall that overlooked a huge pool and rolling lawn surrounded by a white wood fence; several horses grazed in the pasture.

  “You never told me you owned horses.” I could see Grant approaching me reflected in the glass. The energy between us increased with every step he took.

  “I don’t actually. They’re from a wild horse refuge. Mr. Johnson, one of the more well-known farmers in the area, ran into some financial issues a few winters ago. He now leases part of his land to the state as a private refuge to the wild horses.” His arms wrapped around me as we both watched a black stallion and a gray gelding walk against the fence. “Every once in a while the gray one will take an apple from me.” His voice was quiet, causing a silent sigh to escape me. I wanted to just feel this moment, with his manly hands encircling me, his chin resting in the crook of my neck. The air around us was so quiet and still, I could feel him breathing. As the horses took off in a dead run, I turned back toward the room. Grant released his hold on me, returning to the pot of water on the stove.

  I admired his massive kitchen; the white cabinets with glass inlays in several of the doors looked new and clean. The black countertops were so polished that it was easy to see your reflection. The barstool I was currently
perched on was incredibly comfortable with its plush cushion. I had expected him to simply hand me the bottle of water, however, I was surprised to see him set two glasses of ice on the counter and pour the water into each.

  “Grant, can I ask you a personal question?” Things didn’t add up for me. He was a single guy, yet this magnificent house was built to accommodate a large family. His car from the other night was one I would have associated with a guy, sporty and fast. However, this house told a different story.

  “Sure,” he called over his shoulder.

  “Have you ever been married? I mean take a look around you, this place just screams married man.” He finished stirring the pot, then turned to the counter where I was sitting. I watched his face as he took a drink from his glass. The smile that began once he lowered the glass was one of mystery.

  “No, I’m not now, nor have I ever been married.” His expression was one of pain mixed with longing. My interest was piqued. Why would he seem so sad about his answer?

  “When I found this place, I knew the second I pulled in that driveway this was the house for me. I could picture Christmas lights hanging on the porch and the huge tree growing outside that large picture window in the den, with a tire swing hanging from it. Once I was inside, I swear I could hear children running upstairs, playing and having the time of their lives. When I came into this kitchen, it wasn’t like you see it now—it was worn and needed serious help. I had my contractor rip out everything and start from scratch. I wanted to see those children I imagined playing upstairs having breakfast and doing homework on this very island.” He tapped the marble counter three times.

  “I wanted to see my wife cooking and helping those same children grow into adults, who would then bring my grandkids to visit where I could see it all over again.” His eyes were glassy as he continued to describe the picture he saw in his mind. Something stirred in me as I listened to him and I could see all of the things he described. The only thing missing was the dog jumping around and running after the children.

  “I even had the carpet ripped up and these floors put down so when I get my kids a dog, it won’t be an issue.”

  And just like that, my heart left my body and began to float across the granite toward his chest. For years, I had refused to even picture a future with a husband and more children. But there he stood, the man I knew would give me all those things. All I had to do was let him in. Feeling bolder than I ever had in my life, I rose from my seat and walked around the island. I watched his face as I made my way to him, like a lioness staking a claim on her lion. My hands reached for his face and pulled his mouth to mine. I didn’t give him a chance to second guess this. I wanted him; he had seen me for what I really was and now I knew the true desire in his heart.

  With my fingers wrapped up in the hair at the base of his neck, I pulled him closer as I began to nip his bottom lip with my teeth. With his lips parted, I let my tongue explore his. He tasted sweet, like honey, with just a hint of spice. I felt him moan into my mouth and took everything I could get. I returned the moan when I felt him lift my body and set me on the counter in front of him. His body was positioned between my legs, but I kept them dangling off the counter. We were a mess of lips, tongue and teeth, and yet we were in perfect sequence. His lips left mine and I opened my eyes, only to watch him move to my neck. His breathing rivaled mine, as I gasped for breath.

  “Tell me to stop, Natalie.” His soft voice pleaded with me, but there was no way I was telling him to stop. I pulled his mouth away from my neck and captured his lips with mine once again, silently telling him what I wanted. He responded by wrapping his arms around me. While his right hand was buried in my hair, his left was squeezing my ass. The feel of his lean body pressed against mine was both heaven and hell. The double layer of clothing was pure torture, as I could plainly feel the effect I was having on him. God, how I had missed being touched by a man. However, this was nothing like the way Holden had touched me. There was never the level of passion from Holden that Grant had for me. He was devouring me as much as I was devouring him.

  Our open-mouthed kissing was so out of control I missed him unbuttoning my shirt. The feel of his heated hand wrapped around my right breast caused me to gasp with pleasure, as his thumb made quick flicks at the hardened nipple. I unwrapped my arms from around his neck and quickly took my shirt the rest of the way off and unhooked my bra, dropping it to the floor. The heat between us was so hot even the cold granite of the counter didn’t faze me as he lowered me back. I felt his fingers freeing the snap on my jeans, as I began to unbutton his shirt. His lips left my mouth, only to find home on my nipple. I couldn’t help myself as I arched my back and cried out.

  Fate could be such a fickle bitch, because just as he was moving to my other nipple, the house phone began to ring. His head slumped to my chest in defeat.

  “I’m sorry, Natalie, I have to answer it. It may be the hospital.” I nodded my head as he placed a final kiss to the center of my chest. I sat up as I heard him answer his phone in a strangled, yet professional voice.

  “Dr. Crain.” I began putting my clothes back on. His back was facing me and for that I was grateful. “Tiffany, it’s fine. What’s the emergency?” I clenched my eyes shut as I heard him say her name. I had no doubt she knew we would be together tonight.

  “Dr. Garrison, even a first-year med student could’ve told you that this could’ve waited until rounds in the morning.“ I slid off the counter and made my way back to my seat at the island. “Yes, I did tell you to call me if there was cause, but normal results do not require a call.”

  It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that she knew there would be a possibility she would be interrupting something. However, she had another thing coming if she thought I would sit back and let her ruin what had just happened between Grant and me.

  Grant hung up the phone and then slowly turned toward me.

  “Grant, don’t you dare say you’re sorry. We’re going to eat the wonderful dinner you’ve slaved over, and then we’re going to cuddle up on that very comfortable-looking sofa in there and make-out like teenagers.”

  Grant burst out laughing as he made his way around the counter, wrapping his arms around me as he chuckled. “I’m so glad you gave me a chance.”

  Dinner was phenomenal; he’d made roasted potatoes with prime rib and asparagus and to top it off, fresh baked bread. I ate until I was full and then some. I insisted on helping him with the dishes, where more laughter ensued as we waged an epic soap bubble war. We finally made a pot of coffee and settled on the sofa. A tickle fight occurred and that led to a slow make-out session. Our kisses weren’t frantic this time, but I still felt every inch of him against my body.

  “So the Festival is next weekend,” Grant spoke as his kisses faded and he leaned back to look into my eyes.

  “That’s what I hear. I can’t wait to take Peyton.” I adjusted my shirt to cover my stomach and ran a hand through my hair. Grant took my hands back in his.

  “So what do you say to me taking my girls to the fair? I’ll buy you totally fattening foods and we’ll ride some scary rides.” His smile was huge, and I found it near impossible to say no to him.

  “Don’t forget the stuffed toys.” He drew me into his side, and I found myself feeling very at home. Holden and I had done this very thing many, many times when we were together. It never felt this good tucked under his arm, though.

  “I could never forget the poorly made stuffed toys.” He slowly kissed my lips, and I settled back into his embrace. I closed my eyes and sighed as his arms held me tighter.

  We decided to attend the fair the next Saturday, when they closed down Main Street and all the booths would be opened. He told me his mother always entered her famous apple pie and had won the last few years. I questioned him to the validity of his story as Maybelline spoke very highly of her pies. He responded with a crooked grin and questioned if I tried the pie she gave me. My face told the answer, not required by words. He also told
me of the live bands that would be playing and he wanted to listen to a few of them.

  Before I was ready, I noticed it had gotten quite late. Grant threatened to lock me in his bedroom to keep me from leaving. I reminded him that a beautiful little girl would be very upset if he kept her mommy. “Oh, but my beautiful girl, I intend to keep both of you.” His eyes told me he was telling me nothing but the truth.

  As I pulled into my driveway, a sinister plan began to form. People in my neighborhood—well, this town in general—were far too nosey. I decided it would be fun to give them something scandalous to finally talk about. With my car still running, I opened the door as if to visit the mailbox, it had been a few days since I last checked it. I turned back and waved in the direction of Mrs. Birdie’s window. “Your begonias are looking lovely, Mrs. Birdie.” I yelled loud enough for the surrounding neighbors to hear. I didn’t expect her to say anything as she hid in the dark of her house pretty well. Still, she would twist the story and I was looking forward to hearing what I did in her eyes.

  Headlights shined in my direction, causing me to turn toward the purr of a car engine. A part of me wanted it to be Grant, not getting enough of me, giving the gossips something else to talk about. Instead, my eyes landed on the reflective letters on the side of the police car. Sheriff Dale stared directly at me as he crept down my street.

  I COULDN’T DECIDE WHO WAS more excited to be standing on the midway, Peyton or Grant. Peyton had her eyes open wide, taking in all the lights and music of the carnie games. Grant couldn’t make up his mind which deep fried food he wanted to try out first.