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Crain's Landing Page 11
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Page 11
Grant finally looked my way and a huge smile broke out on his face. He released the handle and the loud mower shut off with a huff. “Good morning, Ms. Reid. You’re looking exceptionally delightful this morning.” His face was wet with sweat and it had started to collect in the center of his chest. The slightly darker shade of gray caught my attention and I briefly wondered if he sweated that hard when he did other things.
“Ignoring the obvious, what are you doing here?” I stood there half-awake with my hands on my hips in all my barefoot glory. There was no telling what kind of mess my hair was in at this very moment. Perhaps if I looked bad enough, he would reconsider this plan of his.
Grant pulled the bottom of his shirt up and wiped the sweat running down his face and neck. In doing so, I was given a full view of his perfectly sculpted abs, complete with happy trail that I had been thinking far too much about in the past eight hours. My mental picture of a half-naked Grant didn’t even land in the same time zone as what the reality revealed.
“Well, the gentleman who regularly cuts the grass for our family is currently on his way to Charleston with his wife who had their baby about five hours ago. She was a little early and we aren’t equipped to handle that type of situation. My dad is handling the baby and I’m making certain his work gets done.”
I couldn’t respond. I tried several times to say something, but the words simply wouldn’t come. Thankfully, I had left the back door open and I could now hear Peyton babbling from her crib so I excused myself and went to get her.
I should have kept my eyes focused on picking up my daughter and not chanced a look in the mirror, evaluating how terrible I looked. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, they did. I noticed that my sleep shirt was so thin you could see right through it and my nipples were prominently on display, standing at full attention. It was also obvious that my pajama pants were still lying in a heap at the end of my bed, since I had marched outside in my lacy bikini underwear, which were just as thin and see through as my shirt. I wanted to hide in a hole somewhere. Maybe Grant wasn’t as interested in me as he led me to believe. After all, he didn’t trip over his own tongue when he noticed me. Surely, now he would end this charade.
I waited until I heard Grant drive away before I made any moves to look outside. The last thing I needed was for him to see me looking at him, giving him any encouragement or false hope in my regard for him. However, the memory of him pulling his shirt up as he wiped at his sweat, caused me to need yet another round of self-love in the shower. I would need to add an economy-sized package of batteries to my shopping list at this rate.
“Dad, I want you to understand I have no interest in dating anyone, not only Dr. Crain.” My dad and Peggy had arrived for dinner that evening. Dad was barely inside the door when he began his interrogation as to why I was still “playing hard to get” as he termed it.
“Baby girl, you have to understand that not every man is out to hurt you.” This wasn’t the first time I had heard this story from him. I knew my father only wanted the best for me, but so did I. I was happy my father had found someone he could trust in Peggy. Hell, I liked him better now that he was with her. He was a different person than when he and my mother were together.
“There is something you should know.” I felt bold as I shared with my dad what I had overheard at the diner. He shook his head as he listened to me tell my story, how it didn't bother me for Grant to only be acting this way because of the lack of quality female population here.
“Natalie, I'll admit, we have our fair share of busy bodies in this town. So obsessed with the goings on around them, they forget what is happening in their own backyards. They crave the latest crisis in other lives, to dull the pain in their own.” He leaned in closer to me and placed his hands on both sides of my face, his touch still as comforting as it was when I was little. “Mrs. Nelson told me about that conversation the same night it happened. I’ve waited to see if it upset you before I had a talk with them.” His eyes flicked between mine, trying to see if I was telling the truth about how little it bothered me.
“Listen to me, sweetheart. Plenty of people in this town have a closet full of secrets. Grant Crain isn’t one of them. He is honest, dependable, and has been brought up with good moral character. If I thought, for even a moment, he had less than honorable intentions for you, I would have never given my consent for him to see you socially.”
I pulled my face away, my emotions brewing in a negative way. For years I have taken care of myself, never asking for anyone's help and now that I move to be closer to him, he takes it upon himself to dictate who I will allow into my life.
“Natalie, sometimes we look at people in a certain way because of the opinions of others. I know Holden has you angry at men in general. I know where you're coming from—it’s completely understandable. After your mother betrayed me, I wanted to hide away from the world, stay away from anyone who wanted to befriend me.” His eyes sparkled as he glanced at Peyton playing with Peggy.
“Then one day, Peggy came knocking at my door, letting me know I had accidently left my headlights on. She was worried I would have a dead battery. It was a few days later, when I was heading out to a meeting that I noticed her walking into the grocery store. She waved but continued on. Peggy never approached me like so many of the other women in town had. She always said hello and stopped whatever she was doing, but never in the same way others did.”
Peyton let out a laugh, causing both of us to turn our heads back to her. Peggy was teaching her to play a hand game, much like patty cake.
“You see, Natalie, Peggy gave me what I needed at the time, space and friendship.” I started to interrupt, to explain that what I needed right now was to be left alone. “I know you think that’s what you need, however, you have had years of being left alone. You need to be perused and shown the treasure of being with a good and decent man.” Dad had always been straight and upfront with me; not always telling me what I wanted to hear, but what I needed at the time.
“Early last spring, I noticed, out of the blue, that I hadn’t seen much of her. I asked my secretary if she had heard anything. Ms. Barnes took me aside and told me of the horrible accident Peggy’s husband had been in only a year prior, when he was killed instantly. I soon found myself standing on her front porch, knocking on her door. Something told me she needed a friend and when she opened the door, I felt my heart drop out of my chest and into her hands. I took her to dinner that night and we spent several hours just sharing events in our lives. I took her back home, walked her to the door, bid her goodnight, and then sat outside in my car until I saw her light go off.”
I listened to him tell this seriously sweet story and watched the expression change on his face, the look he would have as he glanced in Peggy’s direction. I could feel the love he had for this woman filling the air around us.
“The ladies in the town continued to parade their friends and daughters around me, but there was just something about Peggy I couldn’t get enough of.” This time when he glanced in her direction, she caught his gaze, returned his smile and blew him a kiss. Completely out of character for him, as my parents never shared this level of intimacy.
“Last fall I invited her to the Founders Day celebration and as we stood on the dance floor, with the music playing and the lights twinkling above our heads, I realized I didn’t want to spend anymore time being her friend. I closed my eyes and told her I loved her.” Their eye contact never broke as he shared their magic moment.
Something began to stir inside me, churning, flipping and then sizzling. I would never admit it, not even to myself, but I knew it was jealousy I was feeling. “Maybe you’re right, Dad, but for now, I’m happy with the way my life is. I just don’t have time for a man right now.”
After Peggy begged me to let her read Peyton a story, my father and I once again sat on the back patio and drank several beers. I enjoyed this time with him and thanked God for Peggy and her understanding ways.
/> “Natalie, I just worry that you’re going to shut yourself off to someone who’d be good, not only for you, but for little Peyton, too.” This was the second time I had to hear the same advice, first with Grant and now my dad.
“Is that why you gave him the green light to date me?”
Dad took a long pull from his beer; taking several minutes before he finally answered me.
“Listen, in my day it was expected for a young man to ask permission of a young lady’s father to date his daughter. Call it old-fashioned thinking, if you want, but Grant is a good man. The whole time I’ve known him, he’s always been a stand-up guy. He isn’t a skirt chaser like some of the other so called ‘respected’ men in town. Give him a chance, Natalie.”
I allowed my agitation to dissipate and while Dad grabbed more beer, I tried to see his side of this situation.
“Natalie, one last thing and this is all I'm going to say about this, because you are a grown woman and can make your own decisions.” I turned to find him standing against the railing, the same position, where only hours ago, I stood in my nearly naked form as Grant mowed the lawn. “Love isn’t planned and it isn’t perfect. But when its right, it the most amazing feeling in the world.”
That night as I lay in my bed, I let my father’s words roll around in my head. Clearly, I had assumed things about Grant that weren’t necessarily true. It didn’t change the fact I wasn’t ready to open my heart, to any man. Deep inside, I still believed most men were worthless. Yet, seeing my father so completely and utterly happy, allowed a slight crack in the armor I had worked so hard to build.
Sunday morning came with Kaylin knocking at my door. She had just returned from church and wanted me to sample some of the treats that would be served to the children during reading hour. My kitchen counter looked so inviting with several trays of brownies, sugar cookies and different dessert bars. I had to confess, I was a little jealous I wasn’t going to be eating a snack every week. Those ladies could really cook.
Austin called me later in the afternoon and asked if he could stop by my house to show me the cost breakdown of the yoga classes. I told him he could simply bring them in on Monday, but he said he wanted me to meet his boyfriend. Due to the fact he worked during the week, this was his only opportunity. Austin was such a sweetheart; he even brought cheesecake and a bottle of good wine. From the moment he stepped through the door, his flamboyance shined.
“Natalie, this is my boyfriend, Josh. Josh, this the best boss on the planet, Natalie Reid.”
Josh was the complete opposite of Austin. Where Austin was what I would call eclectic, Josh was straight-up GQ. He stood at least six feet tall and his hair was short and styled in a manner close to Grant’s. His skin was dark like Dwight’s with gray steely eyes, even though I knew he was gay, his good looks captivated me.
Josh and Peyton hit it right off and I was grateful he played with her, while Austin and I talked. Josh had no issue sitting in the middle of the floor, playing with a teddy bear and dollies. He even allowed Peyton to place bright colored barrettes in that dark hair of his.
By Austin’s estimates, the classrooms would not cost us much up front and the profit would be significant in a few months.
“So, I hear you’re turning the head of one Dr. Grant Crain, Ms. Natalie,” Josh said with a cocky grin. It seemed his real motive in coming over was finally out. “I can’t believe you’ve turned him down. Most women, and certainly this man, would jump at the chance to bed that fine man.”
I tapped his arm twice, while sipping on the last of my wine. “Yes, well, assuming I'm a standard issue type of girl is both your and Grant’s first mistakes.”
Austin pulled back, his mouth open wide. I looked at Austin, who only glared at Josh. I couldn’t contain the laughter as Austin began to scold him thoroughly.
It was nearly eleven o’clock by the time Josh and Austin left, but not before Josh demanded we all go out once the library was up and running. “I know the perfect place in Charleston, very low key and the best martinis you will ever drink.”
I gladly accepted, knowing I had a less than zero chance of either one of those guys trying to get me in bed.
As I settled into bed that night, I smiled, finally feeling as though things were going to be okay. Saturday was our grand reopening and our first children’s reading hour. The day couldn’t get here soon enough.
“MY AUNT JANICE TOLD ME Dr. Grant was at your house on Saturday.”
Brittney met me at the front door the second I came in. I had completely forgotten Janice was Brittney’s aunt and she had a thing for Grant.
“Yes, but he was mowing the lawn,” I answered flippantly.
Her eyes bored heavily into mine. “You didn’t invite him in?” Her voice sounded disbelieving. “Not even to offer him a glass of iced tea, a neck rub, or a lap dance?”
I walked past her and put my purse in my desk drawer. “Not that it’s anyone’s business, but no. I questioned why he was there and that was it.” She looked at me again, shook her head then turned and left, mumbling something under her breath.
It was shortly before lunch when a man with a clipboard walked through the front door. Ashley looked up from her computer and greeted him. “Hello, Sir. I apologize, but we aren’t really open yet.”
The man adjusted his hat and then smiled at Ashley. “Sorry, Ma’am, but I have a delivery.”
My insides clenched as I worried that Grant had begun his flower sending antics again. I walked over and held my hand out to him. “Hello, I’m Ms. Reid. May I ask what kind of delivery?”
He looked down at his clipboard and then handed me an envelope. I opened it and nearly fainted when I read the letter.
Dear Natalie,
As I told you the other night at the game, my gifts have only shown me what type of woman you are. What I’ve discovered is that you’re genuine, caring, selfless, to a fault, and very strong-willed.
You have a love of people and of learning. You want everyone to be able to experience the love you have for books and the characters hidden in them. You want them to be able to take a journey of their very own to places they’ve only dreamed of. You feel strongly for those you love. When you fall in love, it’ll be forever and it’ll be with a passion that consumes you. You haven’t been truly loved yet, Natalie, but if given the chance, I’ll gladly show you how wonderful it can be.
Now, as for the delivery that you’re currently perplexed about, I have some loves of my own that I want to share with not only you, but the people of our great town. I visited a library in Atlanta once, they had this music area where you could step inside of a glass booth and listen to music while not disturbing others who were reading or studying. Music, in my opinion, moves people. It does amazing things to their souls and, like books, it can take you to places you only dreamed of if you just close your eyes and let it.
Don’t think for one second about telling the gentleman who is still standing in front of you to return it. I’ve already spoken with the Board and they’re ecstatic to have something that the Atlanta library has.
Remember, Natalie...only one date.
Behind the letter was a brass plaque that read...
In honor of the blue-eyed girl who inspires the music of my heart.
The glass booth took the delivery man a little over an hour to install, including attaching the plaque. Austin was the first to try it out. I watched everyone laugh as he began to dance with the headphones that were inside the booth. I couldn’t argue that this would be a welcome addition to the library. Once Austin was done, Kaylin shoved him out of the way, securing her place in the glass confines. It was nice to see everyone laughing, even Brittney when she took her turn.
When Friday night arrived and everyone had gone home, I stood in the middle of the library and looked around. I closed my eyes and remembered how things had been when I’d first entered. How the carpet had been worn and filthy, how the Coke machine h
ad bugs in it and was leaking all over the floor. How Ashley had been doing everything while Brittney had been busy on her phone. Now, it was time to see what the Board thought. Would the people of Crain’s Landing be open-minded about the changes? Would they even use the technology we had installed? Would Grant finally take a hint and leave me alone?
Sleep was not my friend that night. I tossed and turned, questioning whether I had taken care of everything. Peyton had been congested the last few days and I worried she would miss the story reading. However, she didn’t have a fever so I tried not to worry, but she was my life, and that was easier said than done.
“Natalie, have you seen the line?” Austin was quite excited as he looked out the window for the one hundredth time this morning. The library was set to open in ten minutes. The ladies quilting clubs had been in line since before seven o’clock this morning. The drama kids were in the back room rehearsing their parts for the children’s hour. The workers for Contemporary Coffee had baked so many goodies that we could feed an army.
“Time to open,” Ashley whispered in my ear. I smiled at her and then nodded for her to go ahead. Once the doors were unlocked, the quilting ladies headed directly for their wall where the current county fair winner’s quilt was hanging. You could hear them talking about stitching and fabric. Mr. Jamison was first in line for a cup of fifty cent black coffee. He now had his eye on the Today’s Hunter magazine that was sitting in the rack. I watched as the line moved along for new library cards and movie rentals. I had never received so many hugs in my life. Even my father showed up and paid a book fine he had from earlier in the year.